The El Cid Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)3 – charitable organization with an all-volunteer board dedicated to the preservation of the historic integrity of the neighborhood. We are committed to the education of our community through programs highlighting the unique character of the El Cid Historic District. All proceeds raised go toward fulfilling our mission and meeting the needs of our residents. Dues support maintenance and beautification of the landscape and hardscape in our common areas.
$100 per household
Regular Members, who must be permanent residents of the neighborhood, shall have full voting rights; can serve as Officers and Directors, can chair committees; shall receive all newsletters, meeting notices, and other communications, and can participate in all other activities.
$100 per person
Associate Members cannot vote, cannot serve as Officers and Directors, cannot chair committees, but shall receive all newsletters, meeting notices, and other communications, and can participate in all other activities.
Note: If you prefer to pay by check, you may send it to
El Cid Historic Neighborhood Assn.
PO Box 414
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
You may also pay using Venmo:
Be sure to include a description of what your payment is for in the payment notes.
$100 per business
Businesses are eligible for Business/Merchant Membership and will be entitled to the same benefits as Associate Members.